As all the skinny people who eat at McDonalds say, “I’m lovin it!”
Author: Chris
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Newest Bestest Video
Check out What Else Is There? By Royksopp. A truly awesome music video for a truly awesome song. The woman who does the vocals sounds so strong in her emotions and yet a smidge awkward in the language she’s singing in. If that makes any sense. Her name is Karin Dreifer from The Knife.
Enhanced for your Pleasure
Wil Shipely has a great post up about the disheartining UI present in Microsoft Enhanced PVR’s.
Wait for it…wait for it…
A watched pot never boils. A watched pot never boils. A watched pot never boils. A watched pot never boils. A watched pot never boils. A watched pot never boils. A watched pot never boils. A watched pot never boils. A watched pot never boils.
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