Surfing Away From Here

These two gents say it better than I.

I’m spending less time online and more time in-person. I abandoned Twitter. Deleted the Reddit app from my phone. I even pruned my RSS feeds. I check deleted Facebook rarely entirely. Instead I’ve created a text list of friends to pay a visit to. I’m going to make it down the list to see everyone by the end of 2019. 

I got a Kindle from my wife for an early Christmas present. Renewed my library card. Notifications don’t exist on the Kindle and I’m still stupefied by e-ink. I can’t tab over to another app nor return to a home screen of jeweled distraction. I am spending more time reading long form books (boy is it hard to stay focused. I’m out of mental shape!). I’m playing more with the kids. Spending more time in the kitchen. 

And you know what? I don’t miss any of it. The stuff I was “reading” (wasting my time with) were frivolous drops of nothingness. Their mental caloric intake was negative. The fear of missing out has been replaced with the much healthier fear of getting sucked back in.

To quote yet another more eloquent persons, “This isn’t about not doing anything ever, it’s about not wasting your time filling your brain up with stuff that isn’t accomplishing anything except avoiding a feeling of discomfort.”

If you’re reading this, I care about you. I hope you’ll consider doing the same. See you on the outside.

P.S. Want to get lunch sometime?