
I figured out how to use some php to allow for random Banners. Check it out! Hit refresh a few times. It was really easy to set up, once I figured out that I had typed “random.php” instead of “rotator.php”.

Edit: If you’d like to use the php on your own site, you can download it from Automatic.

Preacher Man

So, on the way home tonight I listened to this NPR report about a Kansas Baptist Church that protests homosexuality by protesting at the funerals of men and women killed in action. Not homosexual men and women in particular mind you.

This church is just trying to upset people. Their actions sadden me.

The man who head’s up this particualr chuch is crazy. Looney. Nutso. he claims that his first amendment rights will be violated if he’s forbidden to protest. HOLY SHIT, talk about a stretch. Sigh. My misanthropy continues.

Jackie’s dad almost went on a protest of the protest (that will make more sense when you listen to the report) to silence these guys. If I had known more about this, I would have gone.

I understand you want to share your ideas and beliefs, especially if you hold them to be true. But this is too far. Shit like this makes me what to go live on Mars or something.

Incase you missed my point, I encourage you to listen to the report and reflect on how religion affects people and their judgement of other people.

Drugs in the Body

I don’t care for drugs.

I’ll preface this entry with the following personal tidbits:

I don’t drink coffee
I don’t smoke
I don’t take medicine (unless severely sick)
I don’t drink alcohol
I don’t do recreational drugs

I think that the answers to many of life’s problems are inside ones self. While problems are caused by events outside the body a majority of the resolution will be found if you look inward and objectivly look at how you view the situation. Take example the idea of depression. I am aware that certian types of depression can be caused by chemicals in the brain not being properly balanced. But I have a feeling (we’ll call it a hunch) that 75% of all cases of mental illness can be remedied with out the use of drugs. To paraphrase what follows: ” It’s all in your head”

I believe that the large majority of what makes us who we are comes from the environment in which we live. The experiance and encounters we have as we develop into adults leads us down a path. This path is rather flexable and a person travelling down it can even choose to divert from the path, and start a new branch, leading to a different outcome.

Because this divergence is possible, it is therefore inherently possible to diverge one’s state of mind while creating new paths. Perhaps not the best example, but the first that comes to mind is my own personal background. I came from a family in which neither my Mother or Stepfather were very educated, and very little emphasis was placed upon culutre and education. However, I am now an successful young man who ( I humbly believe) is of above average intellegence.

How does that happen? I should not be in college. I should not be aware of the world in the way that I am. By my understanding of the environment I had should’ve lead to a different outcome.

So what does this mean? Is it all in our heads? Is something in our environment causing such large numbers of people with such illnesses? It society commending it to me normal to take medication, even if the side-affects are quite severe?

This is probably the worst thought out blog post ever. Meh. I’m publishing it anyhow.


I’ve moved all my posts from ckoerner.wordpress.com to here at www.clkoerner.com.  I figure it was time to update my personal website, so why not combine it with my blog.  Drop me a line if you find something that isn’t working.