The Not So Narrow Slice

Also, as it turns out, the genre is often, maybe even always, political. Even when it’s not expressly so, fiction isn’t about some rote operational telling of stories. Science-fiction and fantasy, when operating well, serve as a bellwether for the world in which we live. It’s always been that way. Through history, we examine both the small books and films and comics and also the really popular ones to see what ideas and fears and yes even politics have seeped out of the public consciousness and conscience and into the stories that the public loves and shares.

Chuck Wendig on the stupidity surrounding the Hugo awards this year. See also Scalzi.

Sponsor me in the 2015 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride!

Did you know that the word ‘prostate’ means “One who stands before, protector, guardian”? That’s a pretty big role for a part of the body we don’t much talk about. Let’s change that. Help me spread the word about the importance of the prostate and raise funds for prostate cancer research. Sponsor me in The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride​ 2015!

Last year I grew a terrible mustache and wore a great suit. This year I’m upping the ante.

Donation levels!

$5 – Just for donating, I will gift you with a big sweaty hug after the ride.

$10 – I’ll send you a glossy 8 x 10 print of one scantily clad sexy beast – that’s me – posing with the bike. Yes, I’m serious.

If you do not wish to have this glorious image thrust upon your eyeballs, you can opt to have a mutual friend (It can’t be a stranger, that’d be weird) receive this great gift. If they wish to avoid eye strain from such a beautiful image, they can make a donation and nominate one of our mutual friends to be the next victim. And so it goes…

$25 – I’ll let you sit on the bike. Seriously, I don’t even let Jackie do this. Plus I’ll throw in the 8 x 10.

$50  – I’ll buy you breakfast the day of the ride (or other day if you can’t make it) with me.

$100 – Really? Ok. If you donate 100 bucks I’ll let you decide my attire. Do you want me to wear a pork pie hat, vest, and skinny jeans? How about tails and a top hat? A monocle and a mustache? I can even dust off the Colonel Mustard suit from last year. We have to keep it classy, but you get to pick.

Have I piqued your interest? Hit the link below and help me out.

This Must be the Imposter Convention

It’s hard to look at my impostor syndrome as the worst thing in the world — it has spurned me on to do better, work harder, and aim higher.  On an emotional and mental level, however, it has been debilitating and difficult to get past.  I’ve gone entire days without writing a meaningful line of code due to my lack of confidence.  Other times I take that feeling and crush it by overcoming development obstacles.

If a person like David can be as successful and well-known as he is and still feel the haunt of the imposter syndrome, then I’m in good company.