A little bit of everything, all of the time

As someone who has been chronically Very Online for many years1 this bit from Bo Burnham’s latest Netflix special really resonated with me. Both for the brilliant and spot-on “ha-ha” comedic description of the modern Internet and the terrifying spot-on oh-this-is-so-tragic synopsis of what the Internet has become and how it impacts us. I’ve watched it at least a dozen times. Content warning: NSFW language.2

via waxy


  1. I’m working with a therapist to manage this problem. Seriously. The whiplash of the internet and my hyper vigilance do not mix well.
  2. I have no idea if it’s intentional, but the reflection off his glasses at the end really drive home the “Devil disguised as a carnival barker” vibes he puts off throughout.

2 thoughts on “A little bit of everything, all of the time”

  1. NSFW language, yes. But you should not be looking at blogs at work in the 1st place.

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