Responsive WordPress Theme and Advanced Custom Fields

This is a rather simple little hack, but came in handy with a site I recently I built.

By default, editing theme options are limited to Administrator accounts in WordPress. For themes like Responsive this means that you must have all your clients logging in as administrators. The admin-level dashboard clutters the navigation with many things most clients should never touch. Another solution would be to modify permissions and create custom permission levels to access those theme options.

Neither seemed very elegant to me. After training with the client, she asked why couldn’t they edit the “Home” page under Pages. Which makes sense. If you manage all of your other pages there, why not the home page!?

Here’s a quick tutorial on how you can use the very awesome Advanced Custom Fields in conjunction with the default Responsive home page layout to manage your homepage content.

First, install ACF if you haven’t already.

Second, create a new page and call it Home.

Because you’re using a child theme you’ll want to copy front-page.php from the Responsive theme into your child theme directory.

Open it up in your favorite editor and look for this section:

<div id="featured" class="grid col-940">
		<div class="grid col-460">

			<h1 class="featured-title"><?php echo $responsive_options['home_headline']; ?></h1>
			<h2 class="featured-subtitle"><?php echo $responsive_options['home_subheadline']; ?></h2>
			<p><?php echo $responsive_options['home_content_area']; ?></p>
			<?php if ($responsive_options['cta_button'] == 0): ?> &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp;
				<div class="call-to-action">

					<a href="<?php echo $responsive_options['cta_url']; ?>" class="blue button">
						<?php echo $responsive_options['cta_text']; ?>
				</div><!-- end of .call-to-action -->

			<?php endif; ?> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
		</div><!-- end of .col-460 -->

		<div id="featured-image" class="grid col-460 fit">&nbsp;
			<?php echo do_shortcode( $responsive_options['featured_content'] ); ?>
		</div><!-- end of #featured-image -->&nbsp;
	</div><!-- end of #featured -->

Notice all those echo $responsive_options calls? Those are the hooks the Responsive theme uses to pull the information you put on the homepage under Appearance->Theme Options->Home Page. We want to move those to the page called Home along side all of our other pages.

What we’ll do is create a Field Group in ACF for all the fields on the homepage.

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Content
  • Video Link
  • Call to Action Button Text
  • Call to Action Button Link

Here’s and example of what your field group should look like.

Screen Shot 2013-04-04 at 2.09.34 PM

Make sure you also set this field group to show up only on the Home page you created earlier.

Screen Shot 2013-04-04 at 2.18.34 PM

Depending on your preferences you might also hide other fields on the screen – such as the Content Editor, Discussion and Comments.

Now from here you simply replace the responsive_option references with calls to your new ACF fields.

For example:

<?php echo $responsive_options['home_headline']; ?>


<?php the_field('home_title'); ?>


<?php echo $responsive_options['cta_url']; ?>


<?php the_field('home_call_to_action_button_link'); ?>

The end result is something that looks like this:

<div id="featured" class="grid col-940">
		<div class="grid col-460">

			<h1 class="featured-title"><?php the_field('home_title'); ?></h1>
			<h2 class="featured-subtitle"><?php the_field('home_subtitle'); ?></h2>
			<p><?php the_field('home_content'); ?></p>
			<?php if ($responsive_options['cta_button'] == 0): ?> &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp;
				<div class="call-to-action">

					<a href="<?php the_field('home_call_to_action_button_link'); ?>" class="blue button">
						<?php the_field('home_call_to_action_button_text'); ?>
				</div><!-- end of .call-to-action -->

			<?php endif; ?> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
		</div><!-- end of .col-460 -->

		<div id="featured-image" class="grid col-460 fit">&nbsp;
				$video_url = get_field('home_video_link');
				echo wp_oembed_get( $video_url, array( 'width' => 440, 'height' => 440 ) );
		</div><!-- end of #featured-image -->&nbsp;
	</div><!-- end of #featured -->

You’ll notice that I’m also using WordPress’ wp_oembed_get function to embed the YouTube URL in the featured image section. This way all the folks managing content have to do is insert the YouTube URL and WordPress handles the rest.

Once you’re done all you have to do is visit your Home page and update the fields!

Screen Shot 2013-04-04 at 2.28.22 PM

WordPress & Security Notes From The St. Louis WordPress Developers Meetup

This week at the The St. Louis WordPress Developers Meetup we discussed tips and tricks on how to ensure your WordPress installations are as secure as possible. I’ve collected my notes below.

For further reading, check out Eric Juden’s notes as well.

Things you can do “Out of the Box”

  • Check the Codex for some general tips on Hardening WordPress.
  • Check your file permissions to make sure they are as secure as possible.
  • Change default “wp_” prefix to something unique. This is used by MySQL injections that search specifically for “wp_” (As Ken Johnson points out in the comments of the WordPress Meetup, this is probably only a good idea on new installations!)
  • Delete Default Admin account. You should never post from admin as it looks dorky and gives away that you’re using WordPress.
  • Use strong passwords! Don’t give clients the same lame password over and over. Be unique.
  • Delete unused themes and plugins. They just take up space and are yet another vector for attacks.
  • Use Akismet for managing comment spam. Not exactly security, but part of decreasing the amount of time you dedicate to meddlesome maintenance.
  • Hide your version number and change the readme.html file to something random. Nefarious people are looking for easy targets, changing things up a bit makes these automated attacks more difficult to pull off.
function remove_wp_version() {
     return '';
add_filter('the_generator 'remove_wp_version');


  • Change Salts often – you can even use this handy tool to generate new ones –
  • Move wp_config.php to the directory above public_html. If they can’t get to it via the web, they can’t see your database username/password or salts.
  • Update your stuff. Here’ a list of security fixes just in 3.5.1 alone!
    • Server-side request forgery (SSRF) and remote port scanning via pingbacks. Fixed by the WordPress security team.
    • Cross-site scripting (XSS) via shortcodes and post content. Discovered by Jon Cave of the WordPress security team.
    • Cross-site scripting (XSS) in the external library Plupload. Plupload 1.5.5 was released to address this issue.
  • Find a good, respectable host! someone who keeps up with new version of PHP, MySQL, etc. – not GoDaddy.
  • When all else fails, having a good backup will be your last line. Test your backup regularly.


Extra Things You Can Do

Some useful plugins that can help give a piece of mind or help with managing WordPress.


Further Reading


Themes Mentioned During the Chat


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If you’re thinking about attending one of the meetings I encourage you to do so. The diversity of knowledge and skill sets almost guarantees that there’s something new to learn. Everyone is approachable and there to share and grow together.