Grandpa’s Bible


My cousin found my Grandfather’s Bible. Apparently my Great Grandfather handed this down to him sometime in the 60’s. It’s rather worn and isn’t very interesting as far as old Bibles go, but it does hold some interesting family information. Apparently my Great Grandfather wrote information in the first few pages about my Grandfather and his siblings. He also writes about his wedding, including my Great Grandmother’s maiden name!  Which, until today my father and I never knew.

Please have a look at my Flickr set to see the full size photos.

Today I think

Today I think,  generally speaking, people are good.  I also believe that if push come to shove we could become united once again as a country for the people, of the people and by the people.  Or something like that. I feel this tonight as I post this for two reasons.  One is, oddly enough, due to the recent viewing of No Country For Old Men.  Second is this video. Good Night and my peace find you.

Game Apparent, LLC

Today marks the official creation of Game Apparent, LLC!  What is Game Apparent?  It’s a website who’s purpose is to create an online resource for parents to learn more about video games.  It’s geared towards parents who have children are interested in being more involved and the experience.We’ll be covering all sorts of topics; information on which games to buy (or avoid), current developments in research involving video games or even political awareness of the current state of the self-regulating game industry.So please visit Ted and myself over at, take a look around, read an articlewatch a video, and leave a comment or two!