Halo 3 Gives Me More Stats!

I’m a stat hound. I run iStat Menus to check how much memory and processor is being used. I check Google Analyitics daily on the site I maintain at work. And now I can track my stats when playing Halo 3! They have some pretty detailed stats on the games I’ve played, the weapons I use, my progress in Campaign (Single player) and even the military ranking I’ve achieved.

Full-Size download

You can even playback any online games and record clips to share with your buddies on Xbox Live. Bluring the line of the internet experience on the Xbox is the ability to capture full resolution screenshots of any game you’ve played. They are available to view on your profile page on Bungie.net. I’m really impressed with intergration and the number of items being tracked by Halo 3 while your playing the game. That has to add some decent overhead which is amazing as Halo 3 is on of the nicest looking games on the 360.

Xbox 360 Diagnostic Error Code

I found this in the comments on Cabel’s blog. He’s on his 5th Xbox 360.

By the way, it’s not a single “Red Ring of Death” error. The three red LEDs signify many different possible failures (hardware, firmware, and software). If you hold down the binding button on the console and press the eject button four times, you can read out a more specific (undocumented) diagnostic error code.

Never would have known that if I didn’t have the intertubes.

Kari Kitchen

Something is corrupting my daughter. She’s been onery lately! She hasn’t learned to say no to Jackie or I, but she has mastered the art of fit pitching. Don’t let these photos decieve you!